Frequently Asked Questions
Child Care Subsidy Program
The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) program helps low-income families to sustain their employment, educational efforts and job training by paying a subsidy for their children who are in the care of DHS-approved child care providers. Unless child care is required for protective purposes, families must meet income and activity requirements to qualify for this subsidy program.
Program Details
What is the Child Care Subsidy program?
What do I need before I apply?
How do I apply for Child Care Subsidy Benefits?
Can I apply for both Preschool Open Doors and Child Care Subsidy?
What are the eligibility requirements for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) program?
What verification documents will I need to provide for child care subsidy benefits?
Are there examples of the verifications that I may need to submit?
Application Process
Can I choose any child care provider?
What browser can I use to create an application?
Can I apply on my mobile device?
How long does the application process take?
How soon will my child care benefits be approved?
Can I revise information on my application?
What happens if I did not complete my online Child Care application?
How long will it take to approve my provider?
How will I know if or when my child care benefits are approved?
Can I enroll my children at different providers?
What are the income limits for child care?
What happens if I submit an online application on the weekend (Saturday/Sunday) or a State of Hawaii observed holiday?
Have Additional Questions about Child Care Subsidy?
If you are experiencing problems when applying or have questions about the Child Care Subsidy program, you can send an email to HawaiiCCSU@dhs.hawaii.gov or call (855) 643-1643 to speak with a representative. For translation services, please contact (888) 764-7586.
Frequently Asked Questions
Preschool Open Doors Program
The Preschool Open Doors (POD) program provides subsidies for eligible families with children in the year or two years prior to kindergarten entry. The POD subsidy is used to assist with payments to DHS licensed group child care homes or centers (i.e. preschools).
Program Details
What is the Preschool Open Doors program?
What do I need before I apply?
How do I apply for Preschool Open Doors?
Can I apply for both Preschool Open Doors and Child Care Subsidy?
What are the eligibility requirements for the Preschool Open Doors program?
What verification documents will I need to provide for Preschool Open Doors program?
Are there examples of the verifications that I may need to submit?
Application Process
Can I choose any child care provider?
What browser can I use to create an application?
Can I apply on my mobile device?
Can I revise information on my application?
What happens if I did not complete my online Preschool Open Doors application?
How will I know if or when my Preschool Open Doors application was approved?
Can I enroll my children at different providers?
What are the income limits for Preschool Open Doors?
What happens if I submit an online application on the weekend (Saturday/Sunday) or a State of Hawaii observed holiday?
Have Additional Questions about Preschool Open Doors?
If you are experiencing problems when applying or have questions about the Preschool Open Doors program, you can send an email to PODadmin@patch-hi.org or call us at (808) 791-2130 or toll free at (800) 746-5620.